Most websites run on shared hosting, exactly because they don't need dedicated resources. This has a great advantage in terms of price. And because the resources are 'shared' you still get great performance.
payment per year
8 GB space
40 GB traffic
20 email
1-click WordPress installer
Free SSL
payment per year
16 GB space
80 GB traffic
50 email
1-click WordPress installer
Free SSL
payment per year
32 GB space
160 GB traffic
100 email
1-click WordPress installer
Free SSL
Check out our dedicated WordPress plans
Let us help answer the most common questions you might have.
Simply place an order for your existing domain and we will assist you along the way. Basically you need to provide us a token that you can obtain from your current domain registrar.
With all of our hosting plans and domains, we automatically renew. So you only need to give us a headsup if you want to cancel. We believe this is more in line with most customers' needs.
Yup! Hensel Hosting comes with a satisfaction guarantee. Submit a return and get your money back. Note that some hard costs like domains and SSL (if any) will be deducted.
It's easy to cancel from your control panel or contact support. For annual renewals, preferably give us 30 days notice and for monthly renewals, give us 14 days notice. We are pretty nice to work with -- if we may say so ourselves :) -- and accommodate your requests, even if it comes in late, but if it's too close to a domain renewal, we are unable to stop it.
“Since we host with Hensel Hosting, our conversion has greatly improved. Compared to last year we have a 65% increase in revenue. We notice less bounces. Because everything goes faster, less people drop off when they make their purchases.”
“The support and assistance from Rutger & Robert’s team has been the best we have ever experienced in 10 years of operations – and we have had to work with a lot of hosting companies. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for hosting.”